Secret USB

Fantastically striking stallion during the KWPN Performance Test
KWPN approved - Autumn Performance Test 2024 with a very good description

Hanover Stallion Inspection 2023
We had been looking for an interesting son of the stallion Secret for a while. We know that you need to have a descendant of the stallion Secret with sufficient 'blood'. During the Hanoverian Stallion Inspection we saw a son of him from a very interesting dam line that was still quite limitedly trained in terms of musculature. This turned out to be true, because the person who presented him said that this young stallion had only been in training with him for a few weeks. But the stallion showed himself with a lot of quality on the lunge and there he made the difference with many other stallions. This in combination with his beautiful mother line starting with the Celler state stallion Spörcken (Sir Donnerhall I x Lauries Crusador XX x Weltmeyer x Bolero) who has passed a very good 'Hengstleistungsprüfung'. In the third generation follows the top stallion De Niro who has led the WBFSH ranking list for dressage stallions for years and then in the fourth generation the Hanoverian stamp stallion Warkant. A strong mix of the best Hanoverian blood with sufficient 'blood' connection so that Secret USB also has this breed. From his grandmother Daylight by the stallion De Niro also comes the Grand Prix horse Sai Baba Plus.

Secret USB moves in a very light-footed way with an extra foreleg. The moment you take him by the hand or lunge, he makes extra connection. He also has a beautiful stride and spacious step.

Secret USB is a generously developed and long-lined stallion with a lot of blood. The forehand is generously developed, the neck is well-shaped, the shoulder is more than sufficient in length and position. The withers are long and continue into the back, the back and loins are well-muscled and long. The croup is correctly positioned and could have a little more length. The foreleg is correctly positioned from the front and from the side, the hind leg is slightly bent. The hooves are appropriately developed with somewhat high heels.

Secret USB descends from Secret, who won a Silver Medal at the World Championship for Young Dressage Horses as a five-year-old. We now see many descendants on the podiums of young horse competitions. His sire Sezuan himself was also three times World Champion for young horses. Dam Soiree Noir descends from Spörcken and, in addition to Secret USB, already produced a daughter at Z2 level. Grandmother Daylight is a daughter of De Niro, this stallion stands out with his offspring in the sport and has led the WBFSH Sire Ranking for years. Daylight produced the Grand Prix horse Sai Baba Plus (by Sir Donnerhall I).

Official KWPN Research Report 2024:
Secret USB is an honest stallion with a lot of desire to walk and diligence. He is well focused on the rider and gives a comfortable feeling. The walk has a lot of space and a lot of body use. The trot has swing and cadence and under the saddle the stallion shows a good reflex and carries the hind leg correctly. The foreleg has a lot of shoulder freedom and imprint. The canter is pure in the three-beat with a lot of shoulder freedom and knee lift. The stallion has a self-carriage here, the hind leg can still jump a fraction more. Secret USB stands out with his body use and suppleness, this could remain even more stable in connection to the hand. He is clearly workable in the carriage of the hind leg. Secret USB has undergone a positive development during the examination.

Stable behaviour:
Honest reliable stallion, easy to handle and calm in the stable.

Breeding/mating advice:
Secret USB can improve the use of the body and the looseness and add walking desire to dressage horse breeding.


Dear breeders,

As many of you have seen, Secret USB was approved by the KWPN last year. He was also approved by the AES and in Hannover. The recent KWPN approval has led to quite a bit of discussion and we would like to clarify and explain a few things. We understand that as a breeder you attach great importance to the health and quality of the stallion you breed with, and that is why we share the facts about Secret USB openly and honestly.

Background and inspection
As you may know, we purchased Secret USB during the stallion inspection in Hannover. Upon his arrival in the Netherlands, Secret USB was extensively inspected at Dierenkliniek Wolvega. The X-rays, including those of his back and neck, were perfectly fine. The only thing that was found with Secret USB was a slight flattening at the jump. For horse experts, this is of minimal importance and has no influence on his functioning as a sport horse or breeding stallion.

In addition, we have shown that Secret USB has never been operated on for OCD. His genome score, an important indication of genetic quality, is no less than 103, which is an exceptionally high figure. This value underlines the potential of Secret USB as a foundation stallion within breeding.

Comparison with other top stallions
The subject of a slight flattening on the jump has often caused a stir in the past. For example, there were similar discussions about the vintage of Bordeaux and Bacardi VDL. Both stallions later proved to be of inestimable value to breeding. Bordeaux produced no less than 23 Grand Prix dressage horses and 38 approved sons. Bacardi VDL jumped at 1.60m level and also left a lasting impression.

We are convinced that Secret USB can follow in the footsteps of these top stallions and that he will make a valuable contribution to the future of breeding.

Performance test
During the performance test in Ermelo, Secret USB was treated for his stomach, probably as a result of stress. After this treatment, he temporarily started wind sucking, a behavior that almost completely disappeared after a few weeks. The X-rays were re-evaluated by several veterinarians and were again approved, which was also confirmed in writing by Dierenkliniek Wolvega.

The KWPN ultimately assessed the slight flattening on the jump as a “C”. It is important to emphasize that a “C” is not a rejection, but simply an indication of a minimal deviation. As mentioned earlier, other successful stallions such as Bordeaux and Bacardi VDL have had similar assessments and have nevertheless proven themselves.

We look forward to the future with Secret USB with confidence. His genetic qualities and exceptional characteristics as a blood horse make him a promising stallion for both sport and breeding. We thank you for your involvement and are curious about the successes of his offspring.

If you have any questions or would like more information, we are of course here for you. Together we are building a bright future for breeding!

Order semen:
Name and address of owner - Delivery address - Mare details - Desired stallion - Delivery date

C. Gaus
Im Unterdorf 7c
DE38473 Tiddische
1.72 m
JOLANTE, Hannover Stutenstamm 1188906, Schridde 133
Approved for


Service fee
€ 300,-
Studfee pregnant
€ 700,-
Studfee total
€ 1.000,-
Sperm available
Additional info

Genoom 103
WFFS negatief

Order semen


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