Nordic Blue Hors

Nordic Blue Hors' talent is really starting to show. At the age of 6, he has already shown many very good things. Under his regular rider Danielle Heijkoop, he has already achieved scores in the ZZ-Licht and ZZ-Zwaar that many a combination is jealous of. In the ZZ-Licht, their debut in Voorthuizen was rewarded with scores of 72.0% and 76.2%. They then made the transition to the ZZ-Zwaar and in October '24 they showed 2 top tests at Horsecenter Piroutte that resulted in beautiful scores of 73.36 and 75.14%. Nordic Blue Hors also shows a lot of talent for closing and has a lot of talent for the passage. He also made a great impression during our Stallion Show 2024 and there was a lot of talk about his talent.
The first offspring from his mother Demeter B is already running Prix St. Georges, namely Kind of Magic v. All at Once. From his grandmother Rhea B comes the Grand Prix horse Athene B by Blue Hores Don Schufro. From his great-grandmother Hera I comes the Grand Prix horse Ulixes by the stallion Welcome. This lineage has been anchored by the breeders with a lot of sport!

Beautifully bred; Totilas x Jazz x Rubinstein I
Mother lineage with a lot of sport
Several Grand Prix horses from the direct mother line

He strongly passes on his natural very strong qualities to his children. Strikingly moving offspring that walk with a lot of technique come from his first small year, including the strikingly special foal Tommy G, Nordic Blue Hors x Vivaldi x Charmeur, bred by Rianne Gerritsen.


Nordic Blue Hors has already achieved a series of great rankings together with Danielle Heijkoop. He made his debut at our Stallion Show under his new rider Danielle Heijkoop and what an impression they made together. So much quality and technique in his movement, it was a joy to see. Nordic Blue Hors is still a very sensitive horse that must be treated with love and respect because he can get scared quickly and we try to protect him from himself as much as possible. The judges also saw his qualities during the Pavo Cup 2023 and scored an 8.8 for the walk, 8.8 trot, 8.5 canter, 8.6 harmony and an 8.8 for the overall impression, which put him in a very nice 5th place in the final final. They also achieved very good scores in the KWPN Stallion Competition and Subli Cup, where they also reached the final. His walk is also truly excellent, but due to tension this is often not fully expressed. We hope that by participating in many small national competitions this will fall into place and we see a very bright future for this combination.

He passes on his naturally very strong qualities to his children. Strikingly moving offspring that walk with a lot of technique come from his first small crop, including the strikingly special foal Tommy G, Nordic Blue Hors x Vivaldi x Charmeur, bred by Rianne Gerritsen.


Nordic Blue Hors may not be the most spectacular stallion yet, but a horse that technically walks with a very strong connection and as we said before; We have a lot of expectations for this talent that still has to fully mature. During the Pavo Cup he made a strong impression under Sem Stiemer and was one of the best KWPN stallions of his year with a 7th place in the semi-final and a 10th place in the final. He walks exceptionally well with a lot of power, a strong, stable canter and a trot that is very good in basic and lateral gaits, but not yet that spectacular. Knowing the Totilas and Gribaldi blood well, this will certainly continue to develop very well. Some very special foals were born from his first very small crop, including Stromae from the mare Sissy (by Lorentin), who is also known as the mother of In Style.


We are more than pleased with the KWPN approval of our stallion Nordic Blue Hors (by Totilas). We have great expectation for this young stallion who shows already lots of talent for collection and has so much power in his gaits. Nordic Blue Hors has already made a huge impression during the KWPN Stallion Show 2021 that is where we, together with Blue Hors Stud, came to a decision of acquiring him. Nordic Blue Hors is bred by Sjef Janssen together with Stal de Beukenvallei. We think we have a truly worthy follower in him in the Totilas-dynasty. 2021 announcement:
The highlight of collection was the black stallion with 4 white socks under cat. nr. 564 (by Jazz x Rubinstein x Exkurs xx) bred by Sjef Janssen together with Stal De Beukenvallei. A distinguished stallion who stood out because of his leg technique, his ability to switch in transitions and quality canter. The dam is a half-sister of the ZT horse Athene B (by Don Schufro) and Victoria B (by Florestan I), who respectively ZT and ZZL classified.

Such a beautiful black stallion from Totilas with 4 white feet, a super line with a lot of sport and then this dream pedigree
Totilas x Jazz x Rubinstein I x Belisar x Exkurs XX


Nordic Blue Hors is a well-developed stallion with a good rectangular model. The head is more than sufficiently expressive. The neck has sufficient length with a correct head and neck connection. The neck has sufficient length, more than sufficient musculature, but is set slightly horizontally and comes somewhat deep from the chest. The shoulder has more than sufficient length and is correctly positioned. The withers are well developed and have good length. The back has good length and more than sufficient muscle. The loins are more than sufficiently muscled and connected. The croup has good length, good position and more than sufficient muscling. The trouser muscle runs nice and long. The front leg is correctly positioned. The pasterns front and rear have good length and are slightly steep. The foundation is more than sufficiently developed and of good quality. The feet are more than sufficiently developed, have more than sufficient shape and are of good quality. The heels are well developed.


Nordic Blue Hors descends from dressage phenomenon Totilas who created a lot of furore under Edward Gal. Totilas' unprecedented sporting achievements are evident from his titles as world champion and World Cup winner. With Nordic Blue Hors, Totilas gets his sixth son approved by the KWPN. The mother of Nordic Blue Hors is the star, sport (dr), PROK mare Demeter B, a daughter of the preferred top sire Jazz. Demeter B is classified at Z2 level and has also produced a Z2 dressage horse. The mother's line continues with the star, preferent, performance, PROK mare Rhea B, a daughter of the German influential Grand Prix stallion Rubinstein I. Rhea B produced, among other things, the Heavy Tour horse Athene B. (by Don Schufro). , the ZZ-Light horse Victoria. B (by Florestan I) and a Z2 dressage horse. The predicate great-grandmother of Nordic Blue Hors is Hera I, an elite, preferent, performance, PROK mare by Belisar. Hera I is also the mother of several sport horses; In combination with Welcome, she produced the Heavy Tour horse Ulixes and several Z-classed dressage horses.

Official KWPN Research Report 2022:
Nordic Blue Hors is an honest and reliable stallion with a good attitude. The stallion is somewhat distracted at times, but can still be trained more than sufficiently. The stallion could sometimes be more consistent and quieter in the approach. The walk has good tact, is active, has very good scope and moves well. The trot has good leg technique, with a good hind leg. The canter has good scope, has a powerful impulsion and has good to very good balance. The stallion has good flexibility and at times shows a talent for closing. Nordic Blue Hors has a lot of talent as a dressage horse and gives its rider a more than satisfactory to good feeling.

Stable behavior:
Honest, reliable stallion, easy to handle and quiet in the stable.

Fam. A. & S. Grunsven & Janssen
Bolst 13
5469 SC Erp
1.69 m
Kieni-stam, Merrielijn 61, fokfamilie 298
Approved for


Service fee
€ 300,-
Studfee pregnant
€ 700,-
Studfee total
€ 1.000,-
Sperm available
Additional info

WFFS negatief

KWPN Onderzoeksrapport:

Stap: 9.0
Draf: 8.0
Galop: 8.0
Souplesse: 8.0
Houding en balans: 8.0
Rijdbaarheid en instelling: 7.5
Aanleg als dressuurpaard: 8.5

Totaal: 82.0

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